Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I woke up yesterday morning feeling pains in my stomach. I figured it would pass but it didn't. I spent the day fighting off the pains along with a headache and later on a low fever. Thank God I feel better this morning. 
 One thing I noticed while being sick is that I hardly thought about food. I didn't feel up to eating much so I barely ate all day and I survived. I wish it were that easy for me everyday. I find since starting intuitive eating I do tend to think of food a lot because I'm always trying to check in with myself to make sure I'm truly hungry. 

I think being sick made me realize that I need a lot less food than I think I do. I think I eat more based on what looks like a normal portion or that it's a certain time of day and I should be eating lunch, not necessarily what my body really wants at the moment. 

I really love how this journey teaches you something new about yourself everday.

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